Silent Sitting

Silent Sitting

wót Institute of Sathya Sai Education Australia -
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It is important to teach children to go within themselves where they will find their inner resources. A teacher in the Sathya Sai School in Thailand used the metaphor of an “inner computer” to represent the children’s inner knowledge, wisdom, and intuition. She told them that if they used silent sitting they would be able to get in touch with this “inner computer” that can help them to solve their problems.
One day during a test, the teacher noticed that one of the boys in the class began to look very worried and started to scratch his head in concern. Suddenly he put down his pen and tapped at his chest, after which he happily picked up his pen and continued to write. When his teacher asked him later what we had been doing, he answered, “I forgot one of the answers, but I remembered that you told us about the inner computer. So I was tapping on the computer keys [i.e. his chest] to get the answer from it.” “Did it work?” asked the teacher. “Yes,” smiled the boy happily – and when the teacher marked the papers she found that he DID have the correct answer for the question he thought he had forgotten.
(Story told by Loraine Burrows, Institute of Sathya Sai Education, Thailand)