• About the Organisation

    The ISSEA is an independently governed company, but also a part of a worldwide network of educational institutions established to promote the principles and programs of Education in Human Values throughout formal and non-formal channels of education. The ISSEA was originally established in 1998, and restructured in 2005 to improve its governance structures as part of the process to accredit its programs with Australian educational authorities.

    ISSEA is a non-profit educational company operated by appropriately qualified volunteers, based on multi-faith spiritual principles.

    Note: Images of children displayed through the course have been sourced under Creative Commons, or with permission from children’s parents or guardians.

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Tips before taking exams

ni Institute of Sathya Sai Education Australia -

Before taking an exam

You can do this visualization the day before and again on the morning of your exam, but it can also be a good idea to take 2-3 minutes when you are actually sitting in the examination room, after you have looked at the questions on the paper but before you start to write. This will help you to clear your mind enough to be able to access the information that you have stored in your memory.
First, take three long, slow, deep breaths. This will help you to relax and will settle any feelings of nervousness that you might have, which can block your thinking. Next, just close your eyes and concentrate on looking at the blackness behind your eyelids. Sometimes you might see imprinted colors or images - if you do, just observe them and let them fade away. Imagine that you are a very tiny person and that you are walking inside your own brain. Picture yourself going to the section where the knowledge that you need for your exam is stored. Imagine that this is stored in cupboards and that you are unlocking the doors and opening them so the knowledge can be released. The knowledge you need is neatly arranged in a row, in the correct order that you will need it. Any superfluous knowledge that is not relevant is stacked to the side on the shelves. You are the one in control. When you give the signal, the knowledge will jump down from the shelf and move out, ready for you to use it. Repeat to yourself, “I have the wisdom and the common sense to use this knowledge in the most appropriate way to answer the questions”. Take three more deep breaths, and begin writing.

Silent Sitting

ni Institute of Sathya Sai Education Australia -

It is important to teach children to go within themselves where they will find their inner resources. A teacher in the Sathya Sai School in Thailand used the metaphor of an “inner computer” to represent the children’s inner knowledge, wisdom, and intuition. She told them that if they used silent sitting they would be able to get in touch with this “inner computer” that can help them to solve their problems.
One day during a test, the teacher noticed that one of the boys in the class began to look very worried and started to scratch his head in concern. Suddenly he put down his pen and tapped at his chest, after which he happily picked up his pen and continued to write. When his teacher asked him later what we had been doing, he answered, “I forgot one of the answers, but I remembered that you told us about the inner computer. So I was tapping on the computer keys [i.e. his chest] to get the answer from it.” “Did it work?” asked the teacher. “Yes,” smiled the boy happily – and when the teacher marked the papers she found that he DID have the correct answer for the question he thought he had forgotten.
(Story told by Loraine Burrows, Institute of Sathya Sai Education, Thailand)

Mapapasukang kurso

The course consists of 3 Modules.  Each must be completed satisfactorily before moving on to the next.  Read more